VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302 and VLT® Soft Starter MCD 500 provide quick and accurate control of high- and low-pressure seawater pumps on the remotely operated trencher laying HVAC subsea cables.
By using VLT® AC drives to adapt the flow rate from seawater cooling pumps to the actual cooling demand, the company has significantly reduced its energy consumption.
VLT® AutomationDrives and VLT® HVAC Drives are used with pumps, compressors, thrusters and steering gear to help this modern fishing vessel save energy and secure the best price for its catch.
VLT® high power AC drives strengthen this new cable-laying vessel’s tunnel thrusters, and active harmonic filters provide high-voltage quality for its 3.2 MW generator.
VLT® AC drives control the fans to ensure a comfortable indoor climate and efficient machine room ventilation. They also control the compressors and pumps in the refrigeration and cargo systems.
VLT® AC drives efficiently control the water pumps and compressors as part of the retrofit of the vessel’s refrigeration system.